I never file a health insurance claim, so what happens to my premiums?

16 Jan
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The purpose of insurance

If you have homeowners insurance or auto insurance, I suspect you would be very happy never to have a claim and that goes double for health insurance.  However, that does not stop some people from thinking they may be entitled to a refund if they do not file a health insurance claim.

What does happen to your premiums?  Believe it or not, a relatively few people consume most of the health care and hence incur most of the health care expenses.  Read more about this issue in my blog post on Health Insurance Illuminated

Tags: health insurance claims, health insurance premiums, who uses health insurance

One Response to “I never file a health insurance claim, so what happens to my premiums?”


    1. Does Having Health Insurance Prevent Bankruptcy from Medical Bills? « Alternative Health Answers - January 17, 2012

      [...] I never file a health insurance claim, so what happens to my premiums? (quinnscommentary.com) [...]

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