Archive | Pure Opinion (That’s mine, by the way)

President Obama and his nation of lobsters

10 Dec
President Barack Obama and Warren Buffett in t...

Sure, I enjoy a good lobster now and then

The President seems to be on his tear down America tour again. Nothing works because big business, banks and Wall Street are too greedy and corrupt and the middle class has no chance to move up.

He says the idea that big business and the wealthy can raise the tide for all just doesn’t work and never has. If the American system of capitalism never worked how did America become the greatest, wealthiest most powerful nation in the world in just short of 250 years? Sure, there were bumps along the way, as a nation we did some terrible things to many people, everyone didn’t always play fair, there were winners and losers along the way, but every person in America did benefit from the rising tide, every person had (and still has) opportunity and even the least advantaged among us are better off than most of the people in the world.

You can find fault and justified criticism of all the great industrialists and robber barons in our history. Ford, Firestone, Vanderbilt, Carnegie and all the rest took advantage of our system, took advantage of labor, but would we have what we have today or be better off without the likes of these people or what they ultimately accomplished for America under our free market system?

This President delights in finding scapegoats in an ever ongoing effort to pit Americans against one another either to deflect the real cause of economic problems or advance a far left agenda.  Over the centuries Jews, Gypsies, American Indians, the Irish, African-Americans and many others have been the victims of scapegoating to further someone’s political agenda. This President focuses on the wealthy (defined in interesting ways), business, Wall Street, banks, insurance companies, and the supreme court as his targets, all the while avoiding a positive, work together, we can succeed message about America.  He sees success in tearing down rather than building up.

Mr Obama finds comfort in blaming someone else; his predecessor, Congress (mostly any part of Congress that doesn’t agreee with him) and the 1%.  I am looking for an example of a CEO who kept his job very long using the problems he inherited when he took the job as an excuse for not raising earnings, revenue or market share. To be fair Mr Obama doesn’t know how to act like a CEO, he is after all a career politician and nothing more.

Free lunch? Let me at it, I'm not afraid of no stinking boiling water

Populism sounds great in auditoriums, but the reality is it doesn’t work because promising more and more on the backs of others is a false promise. The lobster enters a trap for a free lunch and ends up being someone else’s not so free dinner. The lobster can’t figure out how to let go and back out the same way he came in.

When Americans hear the ongoing drone that taxing the “wealthy” will raise them up and give them more opportunity, they should ask exactly how that is going to happen.  How will Warren Buffett paying an effective tax rate of 35% rather than 17% create jobs, cause US manufacturing to grow and make American goods more competitive on the world market?  If you could assure that no American could make more than $250,000 a year, would that make you feel good or would you say, “”Hey, someday I would like to earn more than that.” or “I hope my kids do better than that.”

I send a donation each month to a school that gives a free education to inner city minority children and then gets them scholarships to the best private high schools in the state with most going on to college also on scholarships. If you believe in the Obama rhetoric, then you must also believe that my monthly donation would be put to better use paid as taxes to the federal government. That is the essence of the issue.

No, everyone cannot be left to simply fend for themselves, nothing is right-wing simple. We need some safety nets, some national strategy and some regulation to assure fairness, but we also need individual responsibility and accountability.

To play on the theme that my life is the result of someone else or some system being unfair to me is the biggest trap of all.  Little in life is not the result of our own actions or inactions.

President Obama should be ashamed trying to make us a nation of lobsters

Happy Thanksgiving

24 Nov
American cultural icons, apple pie, baseball, ...

Even in these difficult times, all Americans have cause for giving thanks.  Even our poor are rich when compared with the poor in many parts of the world. No living American has experienced war on their doorstep.  As dysfunctional as our government may be at the moment, our citizens are still able to occupy here and there without fear of torture or disappearing into the night.  Always remember, as bad as things may be, there is always someone who is worse off than you.

Give thanks today and think of those less fortunate no matter where they are.

Happy Thanksgiving!



Pass the gravy please.

Gartman on disparity between rich and poor. Can you still be successful in America?

23 Nov
"View in Wall Street from Corner of Broad...

The following comment from the Gartman letter in response to a reporter’s question on income inequality has gained a lot of attention.  You can argue that this response is a bit simple in content and comes across as a bit arrogant.  However, I think it is hard to argue with his fundamental position.  The dream for America has always been to better ones self, to become successful and wealthy if you will (although that should not be the primary goal in anyone’s life in my view)?

The dream has also been one based on opportunity.  How did we get from providing opportunity to criticizing success? The income disparity does need to be addressed, but that has nothing to do with tearing down the successful in America. We should be focused on building up the middle class and addressing those policies and laws that hamper middle-income growth. To do that we must take a global view and we must foster less dependency on programs that encourage mediocrity, entitlement mentality and complacency.

From the Gartman Letter:

After the meeting we were interviewed by a reporter who asked us a most pointed, left-of-centre question: “Mr. Gartman, what about the growing disparity between the rich and poor in the US, and the increasing dichotomy between what those at the top earn and those at the bottom? What of income disparity? How do you feel about that?”

We know that our answer caught the reported wholly off guard, for he was, rather obviously, expecting us to reply something like this: “Well, that is indeed a problem, and perhaps something should be done about it, for after all, don’t the young people in the Occupying Wall Street groups have at least this on their side.” We would have none of it and we caught this journalist wholly off guard when we answered.

“We celebrate income disparity and we applaud the growing margins between the bottom 20% of American society and the upper 20% for it is evidence of what has made America a great country. It is the chance to have a huge income… to make something of one’s self; to begin a business and become a millionaire legally and on one’s own that separates the US from most other nations of the world. Do we feel bad for the growing gap between the rich and the poor in the US? Of course not; we celebrate it, for we were poor once and we are reasonably wealthy now. We did it on our own, by the sheet dint of will, tenacity, street smarts and the like. That is why immigrants come to the US: to join the disparate income earners at the upper levels of society and to leave poverty behind. Income inequality? Give us a break?

God bless income disparity and those who have succeeded, and shame upon the OWS crowd who take us to task for our success and wallow in their own failure. Income disparity? Feh! What we despise is government that imposes rules that prohibit or make it difficult to make even more money; to employ even more people; to give even more sums to the charities of our choice. That is what we despise… oh, and next question please.” There were no further questions; there was a bit of applause from those standing around however. We took solace in that fact.

The following is a comment appearing on with regard to the Gartman comment:

Eva Pereira, Forbes Staff

Oh that explains it…so these groups of people joining the OWS movement across the country are just the cry-babies of capitalism. Lazy fools, unwilling to hard like Mr. Gartman has! Everyone look away now!  Nothing more to see. These are the sort of delusional, self-aggrandizing beliefs that got us into this mess in the first place.  To start with, let’s dispel the myth that anyone makes it on their own.  If you live in this country, then you benefit from the societal framework provided: an educated workforce, a police force to keep your streets and neighborhoods safe, a capable justice system that protects your rights as a citizen, roads, highways and public transport, etc.  The list goes on, but the point is, society provides the framework that makes it possible for the individual to succeed.  It’s disingenuous for him to say that he made it alone.  What’s worse, is by cheering the increasing fragmentation of society, he’s essentially shutting the door behind him!  The truth about economic inequality is that the more extreme it becomes, the less mobility there is for others.  Travel to any third world country, and you’ll see what I mean.  The poor have no hope, no political representation and no rights for that matter. God bless America for keeping people like Mr. Gartman in check.You know this isn’t fair, you work too hard.

Do you believe that the door to opportunity is shut in America?  Do you believe that the societal framework does not support all Americans? Do you believe that the poor in America have no hope or political representation and no rights?  In fact, America spends most of it money on supporting the poor and low income. Is America analogous to a third world country?

This isn't fair, you work too hard

Ok, no one makes it on their own. So, then why do some people make it and some people don’t?  Why do some people start in the same place and end up quite differently in life?  There are many reasons of course, but they are not found in criticizing the tortoise or the ant.

Opportunity is dead in America and it’s all the fault of the 1%

21 Oct

A view from the left. Here is a brief excerpt from an article on the Center for American Progress website. The entire article can be read here.

Shrinking income mobility

Massive inequality might well be easier to bear if people felt higher incomes were within their reach, by dint of hard work and education. But the rising inequality fueling the social protests also comes at a time when it’s harder to move from one income class to another.

The American Dream story holds that this country’s greatness is grounded in the ability of its citizens to rise to the top. In fact, the United States now lags behind other developed countries such as Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden when it comes to economic mobility.

“There is no evidence that opportunity has increased in a way that might offset the slower and less broadly shared growth of income and wealth that families have experienced,” according to Brookings Institution scholar Isabel Sawhill. That’s the stuff of Middle Eastern despair, not American Dreams. Makes you want to take the streets and yell at somebody.

“No evidence that opportunity has increased?” Are they kidding? Has opportunity decreased? Opportunity is always there for those seeking it and who do not make self-destructive life decisions.

It costs money to run a winning congressional campaign: about $1.4 million on average for House races, and six times that for a Senate seat, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. While politicians like to boast about ordinary-folk armies of small donors sending in $5 checks, the truth is about three-quarters of all campaign cash comes from people who can afford to make large contributions and from political action committees backed mostly by corporations, business associations, and lobby groups.

Money buys access and the biggest special interest group by far behind all this cash is the combined financial services, insurance, and real estate industries. Through PACs and individual donors, they gave nearly 20 percent of political donations from 1990 through 2010. They also as a group spend more on lobbyists than any other industry.

Oops, seems they forgot organized labor that takes workers dues and uses the money to further the goals of union leaders regardless of the views of the individual members. Could it be this oversight is due to the fact unions donate almost exclusively to Democratic liberal politicians? Oh my, how cynical of me. They also forgot lawyers and law firms who at $15 million were the largest contributors in the last election cycle. Among the top ten PACs are the University of California, Stanford and Harvard University.

Clearly this Country needs a strong middle class and certainly segments of the middle class are hurting, but the cause is not Wall Street or insurance or real estate industries. The 99% would truly be in trouble were it not for the taxes paid by the 1%. Assail the guilty, not the successful.

The contraceptive mandate, HHS, Catholic organizations and the lack of common sense

3 Oct
A woman swats away the stork which has brought...

Image via Wikipedia

A battle rages between Catholic agencies and organizations and the Department of HHS over regulations classifying contraceptives as preventive services and requiring their cost to be 100 percent covered by health insurance and benefit plans beginning next August. Religious organizations say that HHS’s limited exception from the rules will not allow them to avoid the required coverage and still employ or provide services to non-Catholics.

While this may appear to be a religious issue, it is actually a common sense issue. As I have repeatedly said (and I do mean repeatedly) health insurance should stick to providing coverage for the unanticipated risk of costs associated with getting sick or becoming injured. Frankly I don’t care if someone wants to use a contraceptive of any kind; that’s their business, not mine. However, it should also be their expense, not mine or yours.

Adding contraceptives to coverage increases premiums for everyone, that is just a fact. How much matters little because each new mandate adds to premiums which we all decry as being too high.  Contraceptives do not treat or even prevent illness, (pregnancy is not an illness) they are not an unanticipated insurable risk. They are not unaffordable, a months supply can be obtained for about the cost of two packs of cigarettes, or a night at the movies for a couple, or a good (even mediocre) bottle of wine and for less than a monthly cell phone contract.

We continue to be unable to break the psychological block we have between money spent on health care and just about anything else. We do not want health insurance, we want total cost and responsibility insulation. Because of that the problem of health care costs will never be resolved.

Why health, education, and finance are issues we rationalize

2 Oct

The health care crisis, education crisis and the financial crisis have a number of similarities. At the root is a general consensus that the problems are caused by someone else with the frequent target being business of one type or the other. Rarely do we focus on the real causes because they make us uncomfortable and place responsibility where we don’t want it.

In health care and education we blame portions of the system, but are generally unable to temper our quest for the best with the realities of what actually constitutes the best. That is, more is better, high cost equals high quality. In education that goes from pre/school through college. We blame teachers and administrators and ignore the responsibility of the family. We accept growing costs for local education and for college without questioning the added value or the sources of those costs. The same is true for health care. Our judgement is clouded by our emotional inability to deal with illness in any context of cost and to some extent even quality. It is far easier to simply blame the insurance industry than to protest high infection rates in hospitals or to question the necessity of care. In both education and health care our solution is frequently to throw more money at the problem, yet we seem to be unable to recognize that when the bill comes due.

When it comes to finance, we have easy targets, big business and big banks and we gloss over the damage caused by politicians in their quest for fairness, control or simply their favoritism. Who caused the mortgage crisis, who put people into homes they could never afford, who wants to bail out those folks now?  Banks may have taken advantage of the environment, but it was created by politicians who per the norm, ignored the unintended consequences of their actions.

This all boils down to human nature.  Politicians play on that fact while at the same time are blind to the consequences of doing so (or more cynically, don’t care).

  • College costs and health care costs…two peas in a pod (

What does it cost to fly? Holy crap, what don’t they charge extra for?

28 Sep
Stewardess in a Swiss flight filling orangejui...

Image via Wikipedia

Okay, I’m flying from Newark to London and I am expecting a surcharge to be added to my ticket cost if we actually want to land, there will be an extra fee if you want to land near a gate that is reasonably close to your connecting flight. 

That will be $27.00 please.

One airline is planning on doing away with flight attendants and rather leave you to fight your way on the plane and find a good seat.  Another is offering a personal assistant fee in case you actually want some service as minuscule as it may be.  Hey, I made that up but who knows with the idiots running airlines these days.

Does marketing matter at all, are we  just so many sides of beef to be loaded and unloaded?  Here is a clue for someone who is smart, set up an all-inclusive fare, no extras for nuttin, just the price of the damn ticket.  Something like a resort with all-inclusive room rates.  Oh wait, that’s a retro concept isn’t it?

Remember those seats over the wing with extra room they used to give out at the last-minute, I just paid an extra $98.00 for one.  Why you ask, because I don’t want the moron in front of me to spring back his seat and cut off my breathing.  Fifty pounds of luggage you say, go over that by a pound on Continental/United and you get whacked for $200…no kidding.  Free drinks; long gone, they even charge for water on some flights.  International flights last year still gave you a glass of wine; no more.  They charge you to check a bag, limit it to 50 pounds and then allow 40 pounds in a carry on.  That makes a lot of sense, wasn’t is hard enough dealing with all the trunk size carry on people used to try to cram into the over head compartments before all this nonsense?  Compartments by the way that are getting smaller.  

I’m thinking this is a stimulus package in disguise.  All you will be able to bring with you is a set of underwear and a tooth-brush and then be forced to buy all your clothes at your arrival destination.  If you are going to China, that’s no problem, your clothes are there already.

Why do we put up with this, why oh why?  If there was ever a disregard for the customer, this is it and the airlines get away with it.

Remember what the economists predict

25 Sep
Charts depicting US federal debt (nominal and ...

Image via Wikipedia

Here is a quote from one economist assessing the potential impact of the President’s jobs initiative.  Not all economists agree of course; what’s new!   Remember this, 2% added to GDP, 1.9 million  jobs created and lower unemployment by 1%. No mention of adding to the deficit or adding to the troubles of the Social Security Trust Fund, but hey, all that is a long-term worry, right?  Don’t you just wonder how they know all this?  There is one glaring flaw in their economic models though, they can’t factor human behavior and apparently ignore past actions and results. 

The weatherman says clear and cool ten days from now, eh!

“The U.S. is on the cusp of a recession,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania. “The plan would go a long way toward stabilizing confidence, forestalling another recession and jump-starting a self-sustaining economic expansion.”

The proposal, which would raise infrastructure spending and cut in half payroll taxes paid by workers and small businesses, would add 2 percent to next year’s GDP, create 1.9 million jobs and lower the unemployment rate by one percentage point compared with current policy, Zandi said.

A simple lack of courage and integrity – Obama doesn’t want to touch Social Security or Medicare

17 Sep

I suppose we would all like to go merrily on our way believing that neither Social Security nor Medicare play much of a role in the federal budget or deficit and thus there is no reason they can’t be left as is. The White House seems to believe that by now saying both are off the table in deficit talks. Nobody wants to hear about adjusting the Social Security COLA methodology previously considered an option with very modest consequences for individuals.

Double talk is quite common in Washington. General revenue is to be used to offset the proposed reduction in the Social Security payroll tax used to stimulate employment; but the budget and Social Security are not connected?

Where is it ordained that because you are 65 you are automatically entitled to a pay increase each year? Why is a senior so favored over a young family struggling to get by while attempting to save for their future?

The White House is said to favor cutting payments under Medicare and raising premiums for the “wealthy.” Cuts to Medicare providers were supposed to fund health care reform and later were removed from the legislation but are still assumed when the Trustees project Medicare costs. The cuts have not happened and likely never will. Are we now talking about more cuts in payments in addition to those already promised and ignored? What are the consequences of cutting and cutting payments to Medicare providers?

This President ran on a platform to eliminate the influence of special interest groups and lobbyists and yet he has not one ounce of courage to do the right thing for the Country and future generations. His focus is on positioning himself with voters, to out maneuver the Republicans and to win a second term.

Neither the President nor Democrats are unique with this reprehensible behavior to be sure, Republicans are no better, but someone needs to take the high ground and just do what is right, it would seem to me that should start with the leader of the Country, the President.

Labor versus capital

15 Sep

The opinion pages this past Labor Day were full of angst over the decline of labor and the rise of capital at the expense of the American worker; unemployment will forever remain high, real wages are stagnant or declining, manufacturing is dead, etc., etc.

Here is a clip from the Washington Post:

It’s not only the jobless who will be affected. No one has yet repealed the law of supply and demand. At last count, there were 4.5 unemployed workers for every job opening. Bargaining power has shifted from labor to capital. Sure, some workers will get promotions and seniority raises. Otherwise, gains will be slim. Since September 2008, annual wage and salary increases have averaged 1.6 percent, the slowest pace in 30 years, reports EPI’s Lawrence Mishel.

So, my question is, if all this doom and gloom is true and the American worker will be in a constant state of partial employment and low-income, who will be buying the products and services generated by capital? Doesn’t it seem reasonable that there must be a re balancing of all this or capital will not be able to pursue its goals or will be taxed into oblivion to support dependent labor?

Or, should we simply put Wal-Mart and Target out of business?

On the other hand in some cases labor’s bargaining power is the cause of job loss and high costs. Organized labor’s refusal to adjust to changing environments (along with managements complacency and incompetence) has contributed significantly to the problems faced by the auto industry, many states and now the postal service where labor is 80% of costs. This is not the fault of workers, (or capital) but their leaders and the politicians with whom they are aligned, however it is the workers who pay the price.

The new, new economic math

13 Sep

I copied the following from an AP article titled “Economists endorse jobs plan”

Under his bigger tax cut, an extra $1,550 would go to taxpayers earning $50,000 a year. The Social Security tax is imposed on the first $106,800 of taxable income. That means the maximum savings would be about $3,300 for an individual and $6,600 for a couple.

Uh, that’s $6,600 for a couple each earning nearly $107,000, aren’t they the ones who are not paying their fair share? I digress.

It sounds like you will receive an extra $1,550 beyond what you now have. Here’s the new math, you already have $1,000 of that in your pocket and have been receiving it since last January. In other words a major element of this jobs plan is giving the average American an extra $550 a year to spend (or not).

Why wouldn’t meteorologists, sorry economists, endorse such a plan especially since there has been a trial run for two-thirds of it for the last nine months?

I give up, just pass the whole darn thing as is before November, let it run for a full year before election day and let’s see the results for jobs, the economy and the 2012 elections. What’s another few hundred billion at this point? If it doesn’t work maybe Paul Krugman will stop blogging.

September 11, 2001

11 Sep
The title page of the 1845 edition of Narrativ...

Image via Wikipedia

On this date I was in my office across the river from lower Manhattan. Suddenly a fellow worker came running in telling me that a plane had struck the Trade Tower. I and the rest of the staff rushed to the windows and looked at the smoke coming from the tower. We thought it was a random air crash when suddenly we watched the second plane hit. Those SOBs I shouted, not knowing exactly who I was referring too. Then the rumors began to fly about additional attacks, none of us could move; we just stood there fixed on the scene we were witnessing. Shortly after I realized that I was in the Marriott Hotel at the base of the Towers just a week before and I keep thinking would I have taken the call to run seriously sitting in a nice comfortable hotel?

Today I was listening to a radio show about 9/11 and they were discussing teaching this event as history and noted that less than half of the states included 9/11 in their history classes despite the fact that virtually none of today’s current students remember the date first hand. The experts were asked why 9/11 should be taught as history and they all gave similar answers such as it was a momentous event, it changed the world, etc.

But they miss the point, 9/11 and all other major events in history should be taught because they allow us to understand the present. How can you possibly understand the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the TSA or getting on an airplane if you don’t know about 9/11 and other similar events preceding it?  How can you understand anything about Israel if you don’t know about the holocaust and World War II.  How can you fathom the Middle East Muslim mindset if you never studied the Crusades or colonialism or understand a black American’s point of view if you never read “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass?

Perhaps someday if we learn the lessons of history, we can avoid creating the conditions that allow the inhumanity within  us to manifest  itself over and over… someday…

Do you remember the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform along with other great ideas?

9 Sep

The committee on commissions and task forces

If you think anyone in Washington is serious about budgets, deficits or the economy, think again. Do you remember the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform? As Caroline Baum puts it on, Obama received the report and promptly “filed it in the bottom drawer,” that was December 2010.  Why wasn’t this report used nine months ago to form the basis for action?  Why do we keep starting over and over?

 If you hear about more stimulus spending especially on infrastructure, you should ask what happened to the $850 billion allocated in 2010.

If you think extending and expanding the payroll tax holiday is a good idea, think back what you did with your extra money for all of 2011, did you save it, pay off debts, raise your 401(k) contribution or did you stimulate the economy by buying something other than necessities like food?

If you run a business think what it will take for you to hire a new employee with all the accompanying costs (salary, benefits, taxes, hiring costs, workspace, etc.) and what it will take for you to retain this employee on the payroll.  Will you take on that obligation for any reason other than your business requires the services of an additional employee to meet customer demands in some manner?

If you want to know why nothing seems to be working ask yourself why you don’t spend money.  Is your income flat, are you not earning enough on your CDs, are you afraid of what may happen in the stock market, do you have debts, are you trying to save for retirement, are you just worried about the future in general? 

Once you have the answer to the above question, listen to every idea coming from Washington and then ask yourself which of those ideas will get you to spend money.  Only then will the economy begin to get better and the unemployment rate begin to decline.

Jobs wanted … Why aren’t there more out there?

8 Sep

The problem of unemployment is not equally distributed, the lesser educated, the manual workers are more adversely affected. Now two members of Congress see part of the problem as employers discriminating against the unemployed and are introducing a new law to make that illegal. Some policy makers want to provide incentives to hire new workers, but to do what?

I don’t have a magic solution, but I do know there must be a demand for goods and services before employers will hire people to provide those services and manufacture those goods. This tough economic period should also serve as a wake up call for Americans that the economy has permanently changed and that if you are thinking about dropping out of school or forgoing training in a field for the future, you better think again.

To solve this problem, which is no easy task, requires finding a way for the 90% of Americans with jobs to make purchases during a time when they are worried about their own debt and saving.  Everything we have tried so far has not worked. We have provided incentives to buy cars and homes, we threw money at people, we lowered payroll taxes, we spent hundreds of billions to stimulate construction and other projects, we subsidized green industry, we saved the auto industry, we even abandoned the space shuttle and now pay Russia $20 million to send each of our astronauts to the space station (not exactly relevant but interesting nevertheless).  So what’s next, more of the same? 

The average person is caught in a bind.  They are being asked to fully fund their retirement and pay more and more for health care while wages barely rise and they are being asked to stimulate the economy by spending.  Figure out how to mitigate one side of that equation and perhaps we will have found a real solution.

The left says more government action, the right says less … whatever the answer may be, we should all hope we get it right.  

If we have learned one thing from all this, it is that economists are no more helpful than alchemists.

Let’s create jobs by fixing roads, bridges and schools. . . again!

6 Sep

Circa 2010

From every soundbite I have heard in the last twenty-four hours, the President will propose on Thursday spending more money on infrastructure and school buildings to stimulate the growth of jobs.  I am all for stimulating job growth, but perhaps we need some new ideas. 

I don’t know about you but traveling the highways and byways these days gives one plenty of evidence of stimulus.  There is construction everywhere, roads, bridges, sidewalks, you name it.   Many of them proudly display the signs from the last stimulus, I believe it was called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.    Guess what, the economy has not recovered and the level of unemployment has not come down. 

If we are going to create jobs, shouldn’t we be trying to do so in some way other than doing the same thing we did last year, but obviously did not work. . . oh wait, that was not supposed to create jobs, but rather save jobs.  Tell that to the twenty-million Americans with less than a full-time permanent job. 

There are some happy people though, all those folks who get to make the signs and install them should be fully employed…I just wish they would remember to take them down when they are done with them.

Isn’t one sign of insanity doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome?

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